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Specimen (Stool/Urine) Collection Container

With the Specimen Collection Container, specimen samples such as stool and urine can be collected quickly and hygienically, the extra secure lid and firm base help prevent leaks and spills throughout the transportation and storage.

Stool Collection Container DM-New Logo-20230710改-1.png (162 KB)

Product Features

Collects Feces and Urine samples efficiently

Suitable for any standard size of toilet commode

The special support ring holds the specimen container in place, avoiding sample contamination with water

Extra secure lid provides safe storage

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Support ring

B-Specimen container

CSpecimen container lid

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Directions for Use

Lift toilet seat, put container into support ring and place container system on toilet bowl.

Put the toilet seat down to hold the support ring in place.

After collection of samples, remove the container system from toilet bowl and snap the container lid on tightly to prevent leakage of the sample.

Untighten support ring as shown in the picture.

The container should be stored in a cool place until it is delivered to the laboratory or the health care provider.

Stool samples are often used for medical tests to diagnose infections, parasites, or intestinal disorders.

Common tests include:

Stool culture: The test is to identify bacteria or fungi that cause gastroenteritis

Ova and parasite (O&P) exam: This test is to detect the parasites and their eggs that may cause infections of the digestive system, such as giardia, amoeba, or tapeworms.

Fecal occult blood test (FOBT): This test is to check hidden (occult) blood in the stool that may indicate bleeding in the digestive tract, the bleeding may be caused by ulcers, polyps, or cancer.

Collecting the urine and fecal samples can be challenging and uncomfortable, but using the appropriate specimen collection system can make the process easier and more hygienic. Our collection system has a special support ring that can be placed over the toilet bowl to hold the specimen container in place, ensuring clean sample collection without water contamination. The support ring is detachable to facilitate subsequent transport and storage of the container.

Using the right specimen collection system for stool and urine samples can ensure that the sample is collected properly and safely, and that the test results are accurate and reliable.

If you are interested in our products, please contact us freely.